


We believe:

Nursing and nursing education are essential for the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health, along with the prevention of illness.

Nursing and nursing education will become more complex as health care evolves. This continually changing health care environment mandates the role, function and educational preparation of the nurse.


In a holistic approach to nursing education, including sensitivity to the physical, psychological, spiritual, sociocultural, and diverse needs of the individual, family and community.


In a continually evolving curriculum, that reflects best practice.

Program Goals

  1. Prepare individuals for practices as baccalaureate prepared nurses.
  2. Recruit and retain a qualified and engaged faculty.
  3. 提供一个环境,支持学生的成功,促进创新和卓越的教学.
  4. Contribute to the improvement of healthcare in our local and regional communities.

Program Outcomes


  1. Provide safe nursing care to individuals, families and populations utilizing inter-professional communication, collaboration, clinical judgment, and a holistic framework.
  2. Design, manage, 并在各种结构化和非结构化环境中评估以人为本的护理,以解决个人健康问题, population health, and social determinants of health.
  3. Function as a leader, advocate for health policy and resource manager in system-based practice using informatics, healthcare technology and fiscal administration.
  4. 批判性地评估当前的研究,以促进对知识生产和循证实践和护理学术应用的理解.
  5. 在护理实践中实现对专业责任和道德标准的承诺,并注重多样性, equity, and inclusion.

AACN Threads and Concepts for Nursing Practice

雪莉·莱萨尔护理学院的课程重点是提供导致生物学实质性专业知识的教育, physical, behavioral, psychological, and sociological sciences and of nursing theory as a basis for the nursing process. The nursing process is the assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, nursing intervention, and evaluation in the promotion and maintenance of health; the prevention, case finding, and management of illness, injury, or infirmity; and the restoration of optimum function. The term also includes administration, teaching, counseling, supervision, delegation, and evaluation of nursing practice. 专业护士对所提供的护理质量直接负责并对消费者负责.

1. Clinical Judgement

As one of the key attributes of professional nursing, 临床判断是指护士根据护理知识(证据)做出决策的过程, theories, ways/patterns of knowing), other disciplinary knowledge, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning. This process is used to understand and interpret information in the delivery of care. Clinical decision making based on clinical judgment is directly related to care outcomes (AACN, 2023). 

2. Communication

Communication, informed by nursing and other theories, is a central component in all areas of nursing practice. Communication is defined as an exchange of information, thoughts, and feelings through a variety of mechanisms. The definition encompasses the various ways people interact with each other, including verbal, written, behavioral, body language, touch, and emotion. Communication also includes intentionality, mutuality, partnerships, trust, and presence. 护士与个人之间以及护士与其他卫生专业人员之间的有效沟通对于高质量的分娩是必要的, individualized nursing care. With increasing frequency, communication is delivered through technological modalities. Communication also is a core component of team-based, 与健康的社会决定因素概念密切相关的跨专业护理, 2023).

3. Compassionate Care

As an essential principle of person-centered care, 同情心关怀指的是护士将他人视为人类的方式,包括“注意到他人的弱点”, experiencing an emotional reaction to this, and acting in some way with them in a way that is meaningful for people.” Compassionate care is interrelated with other concepts such as caring, empathy, and respect and is also closely associated with patient satisfaction (AACN, 2023).

4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Collectively, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) refers to a broad range of individual, population, and social constructs and is adapted in the Essentials as one of the most visible concepts. Although these are collectively considered a concept, differentiation of each conceptual element leads to enhanced understanding. Diversity references a broad range of individual, population, and social characteristics, including but not limited to age; sex; race; ethnicity; sexual orientation; gender identity; family structures; geographic locations; national origin; immigrants and refugees; language; any impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; religious beliefs; and socioeconomic status. Inclusion represents environmental and organizational cultures in which faculty, students, staff, and administrators with diverse characteristics thrive. Inclusive environments require intentionality and embrace differences, not merely tolerate them. Everyone works to ensure the perspectives and experiences of others are invited, welcomed, acknowledged, and respected in inclusive environments. 公平是认识到允许个人充分参与社会所需的资源或知识的差异的能力, including access to higher education, with the goal of overcoming obstacles to ensure fairness. To have equitable systems, all people should be treated fairly, unhampered by artificial barriers, stereotypes, or prejudices. 符合DEI的两个相关概念包括结构性种族主义和社会正义(AACN, 2023)。.

5. Ethics

Core to professional nursing practice, ethics refers to principles that guide a person’s behavior. 伦理学与道德哲学密切相关,涉及通过各种不同方法研究或检查道德. There are commonly accepted principles in bioethics that include autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. 伦理的研究,因为它涉及到护理实践导致了其他相关概念的探索, including moral distress, moral hazard, moral community, and moral or critical resilience (AACN, 2023).

6. Evidence-Based Practice

提供最佳卫生保健需要将现有证据和临床专业知识与个人和家庭偏好相结合. 循证实践是一种解决问题的方法,提供医疗保健,将研究和患者护理数据的最佳证据与临床医生的专业知识和患者的偏好和价值观相结合. 此外,有必要考虑那些询问谁的观点被征求的科学研究, who creates the evidence, how is that evidence created, what questions remain unanswered, and what harm may be created? Answers to these questions are paramount to incorporating meaningful, culturally safe, evidence-based practice (AACN, 2023).

7. Health Policy

卫生政策涉及目标导向的卫生决策,这是经授权的公共决策过程的结果. Nurses play critical roles in advocating for policy that impacts patients and the profession, 特别是当在影响护理实践和健康结果的问题上以统一的声音说话时. 护士可以通过在许多层面上参与政策进程,对卫生政策产生深远的影响, which includes interpreting, evaluating, and leading policy change (AACN, 2023).

8. Social Determinants of Health

Determinants of health, a broader term, include personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that impact health. Social determinants of health, "健康决定因素"的一个主要组成部分是人们出生的环境条件, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks.“健康的社会决定因素在经济稳定等领域造成了广泛的健康差距和不平等, education quality and access, healthcare quality and access, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context. Nursing practices such as assessment, health promotion, access to care, and patient teaching support improvements in health outcomes. The social determinants of health are closely interrelated with the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion, health policy, and communication (AACN, 2023).

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2021). The Essentials: Core competencies for professional nursing education. Accessible online at http://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/42/AcademicNursing/pdf/Essentials-2021.pdf

To be successful in the BSN program, students will be competent in the following domains:

  1. Knowledge for Nursing Practice
  2. Person-Centered Care
  3. Population Health
  4. Advance the scholarship of nursing.
  5. Apply quality improvement principles in care delivery.
  6. Interprofessional Partnerships
  7. Apply knowledge of systems to work effectively across the continuum of care.
  8. Information and Healthcare Technologies
  9. Professionalism
  10. Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development