申请BSN项目临床席位的学生平均绩点必须达到3分.在BSN情况说明书中列出的八门必修课程中取得0分或以上的成绩,并且必须在NRSG 107中取得C+或以上的成绩. In order to calculate your entrance score for consideration, 60%的分数将来自这八门课程的GPA, 40%来自你的tea成绩(见下文)。. 因此, 每年接受的最低GPA根据申请人数而有所不同, overall GPA of applicants and their scores on the TEAS. For the BSN post-licensure program, 没有最低GPA要求, 但是,你必须已经获得护理学副学士学位(ASN),并持有注册护士(RN)的无阻碍执照。.

A TEAS exam is a Test Of Essential Academic Skills. BSN students must have a proficient score of 68 percent or higher. 熟练分数通常表明中等水平的整体学术准备是支持护理相关内容学习所必需的. Students may purchase study guides and practice tests through www.atitesting.com. Preparing for the exam is highly recommended. BSN completion program students do not need to take the TEAS exam.


  • BIOH 201/202 *人体解剖学 & Physiology I -w/lab must be taken in-person and can only be repeated once
  • BIOH 211/212 *人体解剖学 & 生理学II -w/lab必须亲自参加,只能重复一次
  • WRIT 121 Introduction to Technical Writing
  • CHMY 121 *Intro to General Chemistry
  • CHMY 122 *Intro to General Chemistry Lab
  • 数学121 *大学代数
  • NUTR 258 *Fundamentals of Nutrition
  • PSYX 100 Intro to Psychology
  • NRSG 107 Perspectives in Professional Nursing
  • SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology
  • PSYX 230 *Developmental Psychology
  • BIOM 250/251 *Microbiology for 健康 Sciences Lecture-w/lab
  • STAT 216 or 131 Introduction to Statistics or Biostatistics
  • HCI 316医疗保健伦理
  • 圣歌XXX人文
  • WRIT 201 *College Writing II


Completion of a 学位 in nursing is costly. In addition to tuition and fees, 护理专业的学生应该意识到所需的护理教科书/参考资料是昂贵的,许多课程需要几本课文. 学生还应该计划一些与临床用品和课程/项目要求相关的自付费用. Once accepted into the nursing program, BSN students are assessed a program fee each semester of $650.00. 还有目前的实验室,保险和远程费用约为535美元.00 for each semester of the program.

See Montana Tech's Cost of Attendance (COA) »

Four Years for a 120 credit BSN.

您需要联系注册服务办公室的转学分评估员,以便在以下地点完成转学分评估 406-496-4698. 学生有责任从菲律宾十大彩票平台学院注册处获得关于批准转学和/或课程替换的书面文件. 你必须事先获得注册主任的书面批准,在另一个校园学习的课程相当于MT技术课程.

申请BSN计划可在护理部门和网上. The applications are only available in April and November. Once the application is filled out, 必须交回系,由指导老师检查并签字. Please contact the department for available hours, 406-496-4390 了解更多信息.

Applicants to the BSN programs must be current with:

  • Students must have proof of Tdap within the last 10 years. (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Acellular Pertussis).
  • Proof of Measles, Mumps, Rubella and or immunity.
  • 水痘疫苗接种或免疫证明(间隔四周两次接种,或效价呈阳性).
  • Proof of annual (fall) Influenza vaccination.
  • 乙型肝炎疫苗接种(连续三次接种)或血清免疫(证明滴度阳性)的证据. 需要注意的是,您需要至少7个半月的时间来完成这个系列.
  • 目前无结核病的证据(每年进行结核病皮肤试验或胸部x线检查).
  • CPR-- evidence of current completion of an approved CPR course, 必须有成人和婴儿(美国心脏协会卫生保健提供者或美国红十字会专业救援人员).)

BSN课程的学生必须有目前完成经批准的CPR课程的证据, 必须有成人和婴儿(美国心脏协会卫生保健提供者或美国红十字会专业救援人员).)

Background checks are required annually for both BSN programs. 关于如何完成背景调查的完整说明将在入学前提供给新录取的学生.


Pre-requisites can be attended as a part-time student, 但是一旦被BSN项目的临床部分录取,学生就应该是全职的. The BSN completion program can be taken on a part-time or full-time basis.

General education courses are good for 10 years. 科学课程(A)&pi, a&P二世, Introduction to General Chemistry, Introduction to General Chemistry Lab, Microbiology) are good for 5 years.

请与注册服务办公室的转学评估员联系以获取更多信息 406-496-4485.

Applications for Fall are available the first week in April. Applications for Spring are available the first week in November.  Please call the Nursing Department for more information - 406-496-4390.

A drug screen is required for clinical.