

蒙大拿州 has developed a Vehicle Use Policy which all State and University employees must follow. 以下是该政策的副本.

蒙大拿大学系统 亦制定了车辆使用政策.


的 intent of this policy is to ensure that all hazardous materials used in laboratories and hazardous waste generated by researchers are disposed of properly when a research 教师, 教职员工或学生离开菲律宾十大彩票平台学院. 有害物质管理不当, the responsible department will be charged for any analytical and/or disposal costs associated with those materials. Any regulatory action or fines resulting from improper management or disposal of hazardous materials will be the responsibility of the generating department.



Montana Tech has developed a written exposure control plan designed to protect employees from possible infection caused by bloodborne pathogens including, 但不限于, 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV), 乙型肝炎病毒(HBV), 和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV). Included in the program are all the necessary forms in which one might need:

消防 & 预防计划

Montana Tech’s 消防 and Prevention Plan provides 教师, 工作人员 and students with information and guidelines to assist them in recognizing, 报告, 控制校园火灾隐患.


的 careless handling of electrical equipment starts many fires in labs and other places. 实验室有蒸馏器, 海水浴场, 以及其他可能过热或引起电击的设备. Minimize electrical safety hazards with the recommendations listed in 电气安全原则.


的 intent of Montana Tech's 坠落保护计划 is to minimize the possibility of injury or death from the improper use or lack of use of appropriate fall protection.  


危害沟通计划, 也被称为“雇员知情权法”,” helps to ensure that employees know what hazardous materials exist on the Montana Tech campus, 如何安全使用这些材料, and how to deal with any hazardous material emergency that arises.


的 Hot Work Program is designed to help minimize the possibility of injury or property damage due to improper management of open flame/high temperature processes.


的 Montana Tech Lockout/Tagout program is designed to protect Montana Tech employees from injury or death from the release of hazardous energy. This program establishes the minimum requirements for isolation of electrical, 化学, 热, 液压, 气动, 和引力能在设备修理之前, 调整或移除.


的 个人防护装备计划 defines the basic elements and responsibilities of the program in order to ensure the safe and appropriate use of personal protective equipment on the Montana Tech campuses.


Montana Tech's 呼吸防护计划 defines the rules regarding the use of respirators for personal protection at Montana Tech as stated in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134. Strict adherence to the provisions contained in this program is necessary to prevent exposure of Montana Tech employees to potentially hazardous airborne contaminants.


一旦发生流行病, Montana Tech will play an integral role in protecting the health and safety of students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及他们的家人. 的 大流行计划 serves as a guide for our response to a pandemic emergency.


Montana Tech has terminated the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license; therefore, no radioactive materials may be purchased or brought onto the Montana Tech campus.