Welcome to Montana Tech!

我们很高兴你能加入我们. Oredigger家族包括来自世界各地的学生和校友. 为了到达校园,我们需要你遵循几个步骤. 如果你有问题,不要犹豫,尽管十大可靠彩票平台.


Living on campus allows students to become more connected and engaged with the campus community and can improve your overall academic experience. 欢迎所有学生住在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院宿舍. If you are a new, first-time college student, 你必须遵守菲律宾十大彩票平台学院第一年住校的要求.

房屋按先到先得的原则分配. 如果您想要一个特定的大厅或单人间,请尽早申请. 4月1日前收到申请st 将获得优先考虑.

有关费用、房间和膳食计划选择以及如何申请的详细信息, 访问居住生活页面.

Class registration for new incoming students opens in May for the Fall/Summer semesters or November for the Spring semester and remains open until the Friday before classes begin.

International students are encouraged to register early to ensure a full class schedule for the semester. 如果你没有注册至少12个学分, you will be out of status with your F-1 visa and/or I-20 requirements and risk not being able to attend Montana Tech for the semester. Please review the 入学年份的学历有具体的截止日期.


  1. Review your Admission File

    要注册课程,您的入学文件必须完整. If any items are missing, 或者你没有被菲律宾十大彩票平台大学录取, 你没有资格注册课程. Review your admission checklist on your personalized Montana Tech website and submit any remaining items as soon as you are able. Items can be 通过电子邮件发送给招生服务办公室 or sent to:

    Montana Tech
    Enrollment Services
    1300 West Park Street
    Butte, MT 59701

    Please note: 您的清单上的I-20项目将由菲律宾十大彩票平台完成,而不是您.

    如果你需要审查你的入学要求,你可以在 国际招生页面.

    Math & Writing Requirements

    为了注册课程, Montana Tech needs to have official math and writing scores on file to determine which classes you are eligible to take. 这可以通过考试成绩或之前的大学成绩单来确定. 如果您收到a的通知 Placement Exam 需要满足这个要求吗, we do not have enough information about your academic preparedness to register you for classes.

    Placement Exam

    The Placement Exam is a Math and Writing placement exam that is available at many universities throughout the United States. 如果您无法进入测试中心,您可以在那里完成 Placement Exam before arriving to Montana Tech, you will be required to take it during our Orientation Program.

    Please note: Students who do not score high enough on the Placement Exam may not be granted admission into their desired program of study. Montana Tech recommends completing the Placement Exam or submitting ACT or SAT scores prior to arriving on campus, so you know as soon as possible if you may begin in your chosen program of study.

  2. Contact your Advisor


    当你的录取文件完成后, you may contact the following academic representative by email to register for classes.

    Academic Advisor

    Engineering Programs: Clifton Braddy
    Non-Engineering Programs: Heather Lingle


    当你的录取文件完成后, a Montana Tech transcript evaluator will review your transcripts and determine which credits will transfer to your chosen degree program. 在他们完成评估之后, the evaluator will notify you in an email about the number of credits accepted and provide you with instructions on how to register for classes.

Orientation is an exciting part of transitioning to college life and is an important part of becoming a Montana Tech Student. 计划在课程开始前一周到达校园,探索学术, cultural, 以及在校园和巴特社区的社交机会.

除了一般的迎新活动, 还将为国际学生举行特别分组会议. This session is mandatory and will help you become more familiar with the campus, the expectations of a U.S. college, and the steps you need to complete to remain in status with your visa/I20 requirements. 有关会议时间,请参阅迎新时间表.

Arrival Instructions

所有新生都必须参加 orientation. Make sure your travel arrangements allow for an early arrival and that you have all of the proper documentation needed to enter the U.S.,包括在整个学年都有效的护照.

作为一名被录取的学生,你现在可以进入菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的校园门户, MyMTech. Through MyMTech you can access:


Moodle is Montana Tech’s web-based learning environment and course management tool. It is designed to enhance both teaching and learning by providing easy access to course materials, class assignments, tests and quizzes, and virtual classrooms.

Montana Tech Email

Your assigned Montana Tech email account is your official source of communication with the school and is a great way to stay informed of campus events. You are responsible for maintaining and responding to all notifications sent to you via this account.


OrediggerWeb 你在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的正式学生记录是什么. Use it to update your contact information, print your class schedule, and view and pay your bill.


Your campus credentials give you access to any online resource that requires user authentication, 包括任何校园电脑. To retrieve yours:

  • Visit 6up85.com/pw
  • 输入你的学生证号码和姓
  • 创建一个安全问题并验证您的出生日期

If you need assistance with any of these resources or accessing your username and password, contact the I.T. (资讯科技服务)求助台网址 406-496-4244, via email ithelpdesk@6up85.com or visit their website.

Connect with us.


1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701
(406) 496-4791