
FERPA (Family Educational 权利 and Privacy Act) was enacted in 1974. It is a set of regulations that applies to those institutions, 比如菲律宾十大彩票平台大学, that receive funding from the 教育部.

FERPA是专门为学生编写的,并保证他们有权检查和审查他们的教育记录, the right to seek to amend education records, 以及对这些教育记录信息的披露有一定控制权的权利.


Notification Regarding Release of Student 目录 Information

The Family Educational 权利 and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. “教育记录”就是“那些记录”, 文件文件, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3). FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部.

一般来说, FERPA允许菲律宾十大彩票平台大学在以下情况下披露教育记录或教育记录中的个人身份信息:经学生书面同意, if the disclosure meets one of the statutory exemptions, 或者如果披露的是目录信息,而学生没有搁置目录信息的发布.

The University defines the following information as public (directory) information:

  • 学生的名字
  • 出席日期
  • 所获学位及奖项
  • 主修和副修专业
  • 学生的家乡
  • 年级水平
  • Enrollment Status (Undergraduate or Graduate, Full time or part time)
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
  • Weight and height, if student is a member of an intercollegiate athletic team



如果您不希望授权目录信息的发布,也不希望您的目录信息出现在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院学生目录, 你必须填写一份 Restrict Release of 目录 Information form 哪一个可以从 报名服务网站. You should allow at least three business days for processing.


您应该意识到,限制目录信息的发布会产生其他后果. 例如, FERPA的限制使得潜在雇主很难或不可能核实你的注册情况, or to verify the fact that you have earned a 学位 from Montana Tech. The university cannot notify your home town paper about awards and honors you receive (e.g.(院长名单). For this reason alone, many students choose to remove their FERPA restriction.


At any time after restricting the release of your directory information, 你可能会改变主意,选择授权大学发布目录信息,并将其显示在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学学生目录中. 要完成此操作,请完成 Authorization to Release 目录 Information form.

Notification of Students’ 权利 Under FERPA

FERPA also affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. 这些权利包括:


To inspect and review his or her education records, 学生应向保管特定记录的大学官员或办公室提交。, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect.

  1. 要求修改学生认为不准确的教育记录的权利, 误导, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. (This process cannot be used to challenge a grade.)

希望要求菲律宾十大彩票平台大学修改记录的学生应写信给负责保管记录的相应院长或主任, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, 并说明为什么要更改它.

If Montana Tech decides not to amend the record as requested, 大学将以书面形式通知学生有关决定,并告知学生就修改请求举行听证会的权利. 有关听证会程序的其他信息将在通知学生有权参加听证会时提供给学生.

  1. 在学校从学生的教育记录中披露个人身份信息之前,有权提供书面同意, 除非菲律宾十大彩票平台学院将在未经学生同意的情况下披露以下信息:
  • Disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school officialis a person employed by the university in an administrative, 监督, 学术, 研究, 或支持人员职位(包括, 但不限于校园保安人员, and health center staff); a contractor, 顾问, 或其他外部服务提供商,根据合同或法规保留提供各种机构服务和职能,而不是使用大学雇员或官员(包括, 但不限于律师, 审计师, 代收人, 信息系统专家, 教学附属, and clinical mentor); a person serving on the Board of Regents, staff in the Office of the Commission of Higher Education, 院校覆检委员会, 以及其他大学董事会, committee or council; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.  如果学校官员为了履行其对学校的专业职责而需要审查教育记录,则学校官员具有合法的教育利益.
  • Compliance with a lawfully issued subpoena or judicial order.
  • Requests in connection with a student’s application for financial aid.
  • Information submitted to accrediting organizations.
  • 如果披露的目的与学生的入学或转学有关,则向要求提供记录的其他机构或机构,以及学生寻求或打算注册或已经注册的机构或机构.
  • Requests by federal and state authorities and authorized third parties designated by federal and state authorities to evaluate a federal or state supported education program; to 研究ers performing certain types of studies; in connection with statewide longitudinal data systems studies and tracking.
  • 在紧急情况下, 如遇紧急情况,大学可向适当人士发布信息, 为保护学生或其他人士的健康或安全,必须知道该等资料.
  • 在法律允许的范围内, 大学对所谓的犯罪受害者进行纪律程序或调查的结果.
  1. 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 关于蒙大拿州理工大学未能遵守FERPA的要求. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

U.S. 教育部


For more information on FERPA, please see the following links:

  1. FPCO - http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html
  2. FERPA 20 USC 1232(g) - http://frwebgate.访问.gpo.gov /目录/ getdoc.cgi?dbname = browse_usc&docid =引用:+ 20 usc1232g
  3. 34 CFR Part 99 - http://www.ecfr.gov /Directory/ text-idx?tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title34/34cfr99_main_02.tpl
  4. 蒙大拿代码注释- MCA标题20,第25章,第5部分


Request to Restrict Release of 目录 Information

Authorization to release 目录 Information